RAR Islands - Post I

Hello! As recently promised, I’m writing the first post to share some information about RAR: Islands! 🎉 RAR: Islands First things first: what is RAR: Islands? RAR: Islands - Main Menu As briefly stated on the previous post, RAR: Islands is set before the events of RAR I and RAR II, and the mechanics of the game will be more focused on: Exploration Gathering Crafting Helping Settlers Before jumping into a brief explanation of each of these points, let me introduce a first screenshot of the main game screen:
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Hello everyone! First, I want to apologize for the long silence 🙏. Life has eaten me, with my main job taking up most of my time (as usual…!), and personal matters demanding attention. Despite these challenges, I know they aren’t enough to excuse my absence and I could’ve written something earlier… I’ve missed sharing updates with you all and have been eager to get back to it 😄 I’ve been sitting on some exciting news for a while, waiting until I felt confident enough to share it.
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RAR II Update 1.3.0

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time since I last published an update for RAR II (or since I wrote a post here 😅), I know… …but here I am, finally publising RAR II’s version 1.3.0! It’s not a big update, but it includes a few bug fixes and improvements suggested by some players, along with a (hopefully) nice surprise (check the last bullet point). Without further ado: Improving Unbreakable: Exiting a dungeon no longer triggers negative effects (such as hunger or weather conditions).
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Hey there! Again, it’s been ages since I last wrote a post about the development status of the game 🙈 No excuses, BUT as usual, I’m getting sucked by my main job and other personal things… plus we’ve been quite busy with my wife looking for an apartment which we finally signed the mortgage and got the keys! 🥳 In the next few weeks we’ll be doing the moving and settling down, can’t wait for it all to be done, settle-down and continue working on this from our new apartment!
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Hey there! It’s been really long since I last wrote a post about the development of RAR III. Short update on my life: We finally did the Wedding Party this summer in Ankara with family and friends! I can literally say those were the best days of my life! 💖 (I’ll add some pictures at the bottom of this post 😊). Other than that, I’ve been focusing a lot on my main job, which leaves me with very little mental energy for RAR development… but I still find the time for it (more on that below!
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RAR II Update 1.2.6575

It’s been a while! 🤗 As some of you might now from some of my Discord or Reddit messages, in the last few months, I’ve been very focused on my main job and organising our Wedding party (which will happen in a week from now!). ☺️ That’s the main reason why I have been less active than usual (both for RAR II and RAR III development). These last few days, I was able to squeeze in some time to code some bug-fixes for RAR II and I even added a couple of new features.
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RAR III - Post V

Hi! A new update post for RAR III is here. Wanted to write this one for a long time 😄 The last few months have been quite interesting in my personal life, as we’ve been setting up a second place to stay when we travel to Turkey to visit my wife’s family in Ankara. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I never saw my wife as happy as she was to be able to spend more time with her family 😊
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Hi! This is the first RAR III post of the year! 😇 Took longer than expected to write this, and I apologize for it, but, you know, between Christmas, some travelling to visit my wife’s family in Turkey and some other personal stuff (and my main job, which some of you already know, sucks almost all my time and energy 😅), I couldn’t find quality time to write this. But here I am, finally!
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Hi! A new post about RAR III is here (and probably the last one of the year)! RAR III News The summary of what I’ve been working the last few days can be summarised in the following: Implemented a first approach of the Island screen Implemented a simple Adventure Log Started adding some basic “safe” tiles (simple Village/Town/City) Implemented basic aggro system for monsters Island Screen I managed to reuse the same widget I created to display the map in the Journey screen but to be able to render the full Island.
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Hello! A new post about RAR III is here! Foreword First of all, I want to share that since this weekend, my wife and I have been sick and we’ve tested positive on COVID (after almost two years of escaping from it!). It’s not being easy but could be worse, so, we are grateful that we have it under control for now. 😅 Now, going back to the game! RAR III News So, during these last couple of weeks, I’ve been preparing some definitions and working on various things.
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