
A new post about RAR III is here (and probably the last one of the year)!


The summary of what I’ve been working the last few days can be summarised in the following:

  • Implemented a first approach of the Island screen
  • Implemented a simple Adventure Log
  • Started adding some basic “safe” tiles (simple Village/Town/City)
  • Implemented basic aggro system for monsters

Island Screen

I managed to reuse the same widget I created to display the map in the Journey screen but to be able to render the full Island. Still having some performance issues, there’s some more work to do in that sense, but at least it’s already working! 💪

RAR III - Island screen
An island…
RAR III - Island screen
Another island…
RAR III - Island screen
And another island…

The [-][+] are to be used to zoom in and out the map.

The [(GOD) New Island] button is only for development purposes, to create new islands on the fly and check how they look like 😜

The map itself is not draggable (at least not for now, I’ve got to think about it), but I plan to make it selectable, so you can click on any tile and you can get some information about it if you’ve already explored it. Speaking of which, all these screenshots are displaying fully explored islands, but, obviously you’ll start with the islands completely unexplored.

Adventure Log

So, I’ve added the Adventure Log, a similar concept to what I already added in RAR II, a way to display the actions the player has been doing, the things that are happening. But in RAR III, you will only be able to see the last action on the top-right corner of the map. If you want to read the “full” log, you can do so by opening it by clicking on the “scroll” icon next to it.

RAR III - Adventure Log
Pick up log
RAR III - Adventure Log
Eagle killed log!
RAR III - Adventure Log
The actual Adventure Log!

Ah, and yes, as you can see in this second picture, I’ve also implemented a basic first implementation of the corpses (right now ALL Monster leave a corpse, but it will depend on the type of Monster, like RAR II). A new mechanic I’ve added in RAR III is the corpses will decompose after a few turns, so they won’t stay there forever (if I am being honest, I can’t remember right now if in RAR II this was already there or not 🤔).

Another thing is, I’m not 100% happy about the position of the single log output and the “scroll” icon. It’s working, and it’s looking more or less nice (at least when I’m play-testing it), but it still feels odd. I’ll have to think more about it.

Also, these white icons that I’m adding on top of the map (the access to the full island, the map controls access and this new Adventure Log link), are still not final. I plan to improve them, at least adding some sort of highlight around them or something that will make them more visible/accessible.

Safe Tiles

For now, I’ve added the similar concept of Village, Town and City, where you can find Inn, Tavern and Shop. I will develop this more in future iterations, but I tried to start giving some sense on the island generation (still looots of work to work on that).

RAR III - Safe Tile
A city in a Snow island…
Aggro System

In RAR III, in a similar way than RAR II, when you perform any action on a Tile, and/or just by passing by, you will attract the attention of any present Monster. So, once the monster has the -A- (aggro or aggressive) mark, whenever you perform an action, it may attack you.

If you move to another Tile when in the current one there’s an -A- Monster, it will either attack you or follow you to the Tile you’re moving to.

RAR III - Aggro System
Here, a Bat followed me…

I believe this will add a lot of fun situations where monsters will be following the player around and will increase the pressure on her/him.

Of course, if you just move to a Tile and see a Monster, and you keep moving, there should be no issue, as the Monsters will always take one turn to detect you (similar to RAR II). But still, be careful or you’ll end up followed and attacked by many monsters!


Thanks for reading this post, and thanks for all the support!

I can’t begin to thank you all for everything. You all are awesome, and every feedback I receive on any form, cheers me up and gives me so much energy to continue doing this… And I mean all of it! At the end of the day, I’m just a guy, trying his best to do something I love 😊

As usual, if you want, you can share your feedback on Discord or Reddit, and if you feel generous and want to support me and the development of this new game and the things I do, consider checking Patreon 🤗

Happy holidays and I wish you all a happy New Year (or at least as good as it can be!) ❤️