
A new post about RAR III is here!


First of all, I want to share that since this weekend, my wife and I have been sick and we’ve tested positive on COVID (after almost two years of escaping from it!). It’s not being easy but could be worse, so, we are grateful that we have it under control for now. 😅

Now, going back to the game!


So, during these last couple of weeks, I’ve been preparing some definitions and working on various things.

Tiles refactor

First of all, I refactored the way I was loading the tiles to be displayed in the map in a way that now I will be able to load different sets of tiles and larger ones. I found a bigger tileset that is used in some popular roguelike game, and I will be modifying it and adapting it to the needs of the game. I can’t wait to see how all of it will look when I do all of that!


Then, I was working on the first raw list of “monsters” in the game (which currently has a size of 300). I used the RAR II base list of monsters, curated it by removing some of them, adding some new ones. And I also mapped them to each of the NEWtypes” that I will explain now.

New Lore

SO, for RAR III I wanted to think of a better LORE and a slightly better story than the previous entries. I started writing what currently is the “Main Story” of the new game, and, without sharing too many details to not give many spoilers, I will share that there will be certain Deities involved.


These Deities will have an important role on the game and will be driving part of the story. There will be various deities, and each of them will have a concrete type of Magic associated with it. So, in the same sense, each Monster will also have at least one associated Deity.

Deity Affinity

There will also be a new concept that I currently call Deity Affinity, which will tell how much good or bad relationship you have with a certain Deity.

For now, I have some ideas about this Deity Affinity, and how it will add some benefits/drawbacks. E.g.:

  • Magic: depending on the Deity Affinity with each Deity, it will have a positive or negative impact on that concrete Magic type usage (e.g. more or less damage or healing on spells of that type).

  • Monsters’ aggressivity: the higher the affinity with a certain Deity, the less the chances of being attacked by one of their Monsters.

  • Other concepts (like access to certain quests, or places, etc.)


So, now that I’ve shared some of these details, I wanted to share another thing. This time, for the definition and organisation of all these ideas and concepts for RAR III, I’ve started using Notion, a tool that is allowing me to easily link concepts, list them, etc. in a very fast, simple way. NO, I’m not getting paid to promote it, and won’t link it and won’t earn anything if you use it. I’m just sharing in case anyone is curious 😄

As an example, this image below is the list I currently am working with (won’t share the content of it, as it is all very raw, and would be giving too many spoilers and breaking the magic 🙃).

Nothing surprising here 😅


I hope I can show more about all of this in a more concrete way soon, but for now, I hope you like what I’m dropping here and you start getting excited about it.

In any case, remember it’s still in very very very early stages of development and definition, but I’ll do my best to keep it moving! 💪

Remember, if you want, you can share your feedback on Discord or Reddit 🤗

See you soon and thanks for your support! ❤️