
I’ve pushed a new update of RAR 2, it’s a small one, but I wanted to fix some issues and try to improve a couple of things before starting adding new features.

I want to thank everyone who is participating in the Discord and in the Subreddit and also adding nice reviews in the Play Store, thanks, really!

About the UPDATE 1.0.4227, it contains the following changes:

  • Made specific islands like Volcano have their own type of Dungeon (avoid generating Coral Cave in a Volcano or Tundra island, i.e.). Now Volcano islands can generate Lava Cave, Tundra and Taiga islands can generate Icy Cave and Beach islands can generate Coral Cave. If it’s any other type of island, it can generate a random dungeon type or even a Coral Cave if it is generated on a Water tile :)
  • Fixed: Void Monster stats are now properly generated and added an option in Collections to see the Void version of a Monster.
  • Fixed: Drow now have the proper extra mana.
  • Fixed: Talking to Explorer dialog in Korean issue.
  • Fixed: Avoid “ghost” cities/villages/towns where there was nothing. In any new island generated, a City will have at least an Inn, a Bar/Tavern and a Shop; a Village will have at least an Inn and a Bar/Tavern and a Town will have at least an Inn.
  • Fixed: name shown when picking up Crafting Item glitch.
  • Reviewed: Blacksmith at max. level (10) should craft bars for you for free, and also should scrap gear with a 100% success rate.
  • Reduced the maximum output text to try to reduce some memory i
  • Slightly increased dungeons sizes and depth.
  • Updated translations (PTBR, FR, PL).
  • Added a couple new Villager quotes.
  • Trying to fix a reported random crash regarding Title selection in Settings.
  • Trying to fix a reported random crash when getting the item info for Firecamp.
  • Updated various translations.
  • Fixed other various minor bugs and glitches.


PS: As some of you already know, this last week I started working at a new job and I’m going to be quite busy these first days and weeks adapting to it, but, I will continue working on new updates to try to make the game better! 😅

PS 2: I also have a few ideas for new projects, so, stay tuned 😁