Hello everyone!

First, I want to apologize for the long silence šŸ™. Life has eaten me, with my main job taking up most of my time (as usualā€¦!), and personal matters demanding attention. Despite these challenges, I know they arenā€™t enough to excuse my absence and I could’ve written something earlierā€¦ Iā€™ve missed sharing updates with you all and have been eager to get back to it šŸ˜„

I’ve been sitting on some exciting news for a while, waiting until I felt confident enough to share it. That time has finally come, and Iā€™m thrilled to bring you all up to speed!


Bear with meā€¦Ā I have decided to pause the development of RAR III. The project was becoming too large to manage alongside my main job, and it was increasingly challenging to balance both. However, this doesnā€™t mean RAR III is gone for goodā€”itā€™s just postponed for now. My focus has shifted towards a new project that is slightly less complex and more manageable given my current situationā€¦

New Project

Introducing RAR Islands! Iā€™ve been pouring a lot of effort into this new venture. While I was able to reuse many elements from RAR III, much of RAR Islands is built from the ground up. Iā€™m incredibly excited about the direction itā€™s taking and canā€™t wait to start sharing more information about it and some screenshots (and even maybe some videos in upcoming posts).

As a sneak peak: RAR Islands is set before the events of RAR I and RAR II, in an era where Settlers started exploring a vast unknown world. The game has a different gameplay mechanic that I hope youā€™ll find intriguing. Iā€™ll dive into more details in my next post, so stay tuned!


I hope this news isnā€™t too disappointing. While RAR III is on hold, RAR Islands is shaping up to be something special, and Iā€™m confident many of you will enjoy it just as much, if not more šŸ˜œ.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Stay tuned for more updates soon about RAR Islands!

Best, Luis